Almodovar's new film "La piel que habito" is shocking but amazing!
What makes the movie so enchanting and what amazes me most is the role "Vera/Vicente" played by the lead actress Elena Anaya. Really charming ... especically when she is in her mask,
The soundtrack is also great!! I think I should buy it especially my favorite singer's Chris Garneau's song "Between the bars" is included.
Other songs are great too!
"En Mi Peil"
Looking forward to watching movie with you again :)
回覆刪除Sometimes I am tired working in my room..I will watch DVDs. I feel that I am still researching, but I'd relax...I am too workaholic..
yes yes!!! its been a long time we watched movie together! i missed it a lot!
回覆刪除inspiration is just like a "click" or something .. it comes when it comes. try to learn to relaz but not be so laidback like me .. ahhaa!