2012年5月31日 星期四

2012年5月30日 星期三

Ship of Fools

Sometimes I feel likeI am really such a fool
to strive for something 'impractical' or 'useless'
in other people's eyes?

doesn't this pragmatic city always need some fools?

2012年5月24日 星期四

2012年5月21日 星期一

We can fly

Whatever the uncertainities
No matter how small potato we are
we may still do something
to make the world a bit more beautiful
and life more worthwhile?

to me
what is that 'something'?

2012年5月20日 星期日

2012年5月12日 星期六

Worried Shoes


from the soundtrack of the movie
 'Where The Wild Things Are'

A frail child beset by a seemingly endless parade of illnesses, Mr. Sendak was reared, he said afterward, in a world of looming terrors: the Depression; World War II; the Holocaust, in which many of his European relatives perished; the seemingly infinite vulnerability of children to danger. He experienced the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby in 1932 as a personal torment: if that fair-haired, blue-eyed princeling could not be kept safe, what certain peril lay in store for him, little Murray Sendak, in his humble apartment in Bensonhurst?

As Mr. Sendak grew up — lower class, Jewish, gay — he felt permanently shunted to the margins of things. “All I wanted was to be straight so my parents could be happy,” he told The New York Times in a 2008 interview. “They never, never, never knew.”

- NYTimes.com

I believe for every great artist there must be sort of pain or melancholia behind him/her so that he/she could write such an amazing story as an outlet ...

2012年5月11日 星期五

2012年5月5日 星期六

Reasons of the heart


 "The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of... We know the truth not only by the reason, but by the heart." - Blaise Pascal

2012年5月3日 星期四

2012年5月1日 星期二

Ms Cuddle

Ms Cuddle, deicated to my dear priya

P.S. I've got to draw a book on Intera and Ms Cuddle.