2011年10月30日 星期日

I go in search of magicians and of princesses!

When the children asked why he was leaving
Garcia Lorca said:
 I go in search of magicians and of princesses!


不過Federico Garcia Lorca

Gacela of Unforseen Love

No one understood the perfume
of the dark magnolia of your womb.
Nobody knew that you tormented
a hummingbird of love between your teeth.

A thousand Persian little horses fell asleep
in the plaza with moon of your forehead,
while through four nights I embraced
your waist, enemy of the snow.

Between plaster and jasmins, your glance
was a pale branch of seeds.
I sought in my heart to give you
the ivory letters that say "siempre",

"siempre", "siempre" : garden of my agony,
your body elusive always,
that blood of your veins in my mouth,
your mouth already lightless for my death.

2011年10月20日 星期四


17th Oct, 2011, Sing Tao Daily


2011年10月16日 星期日


I really need a long good sleep
but my time is precious

2011年10月15日 星期六




2011年10月9日 星期日


You make me understand the predicament and constraints
while also the opportunies and wonders in life

2011年10月5日 星期三


sing tao daily, 3rd October, 2011


2011年10月2日 星期日

Online Gallery in October, Maschera Tong

Maschera Tong

"Love, inspired Aristophanes"
"Aristophanes 如是說 愛"

Online Gallery (Oct) organised by
 Hong Kong Illustrators Sociely

Please visit here for details.

What is love and desire? As Greek playwright Aristophanes suggested, humans used to have four legs, four arms and two heads. Some were males; some were females; and some were hermaphrodites. Yet, we were so arrogant that gods split humans in half, and ever since we have the desperate desire to seek our other half. But how do we know the one we are holding is the destined one? To a certain extent, love is not about adoration or romance. Rather, love is more like karma of all human beings: Lost, torture, struggles, disappointment, consolation …. What are we actually pursuing when we pursue love? And all I could do is to depict some fragments on my mind.

對於愛欲,根據希臘劇作家Aristophanes的一個美麗的說法,人本來是這樣的︰兩個頭、四隻手、四隻腳,有的是男男、有的是女女、有的是雙性人。他們很快樂,但因為驕傲自大,最終被天神割開一半,窮盡一生,就是要苦苦找尋這個「另一半」。這樣說,愛情,其實不是浪漫,倒像是人不能避免的宿命︰迷失、苦惱、失望、慰藉 到底我們追求的是甚麼? 有沒有所謂的「命中注定」? 我發現我並不能說甚麼,只能把一想碎念畫出來。