2010年12月27日 星期一

old post: mujer contra mujer

Inspired by Mecano's song "mujer contra mujer" and one of Zheng Danyi (鄭單衣) 's poem <而我> from <夏天的翅膀>. Both protraited an image of "throwing stones" with a few stokes and that I tried to 'put the two together". Obviously, it was an unsuccessful attempt and I spoiled the two master pieces ... #So thankful that I found Mecano and this beautiful song. Don't know much about this Spainish pop band actually, just browsed on net and somewhere it is said that this band also composed songs on many controversial social issues, e.g. Dalai Lama, aids. But for creating such a meaningful, peotic piece, I'm convinced that it's a great band and really deserves much respect, no matter from heterosexuals, bisexuals or homosexuals. The song was composed in the eighties. But surely it is also a song of all time. Ah, it suddenly reminded me of the current debates on Domestic Violence Ordinance ... Finally, who stopped the doves flying? ................ 不要再向她們(或他們)扔石頭了。

2010年12月19日 星期日


comic on sing tao daily every other thrusday

we argue, we fight, truth be told
do i love you? or is it my fault ?

2010年12月17日 星期五

2010年12月14日 星期二

機會都沒有了 ...


圖: 因為有試稿的機會而試畫的,最終沒有交。

2010年12月10日 星期五

A statue

in the boarding area,
delhi indira gandhi international airport

2010年12月5日 星期日

2010年12月1日 星期三

Punjabi song - Batiyan bhujai rakhdi

Keeping the lights off, Leting the candle burn through the night, Where are you my love, I am waiting for you through the night, Why dont you tell me whats in your heart...