2010年12月27日 星期一

old post: mujer contra mujer

Inspired by Mecano's song "mujer contra mujer" and one of Zheng Danyi (鄭單衣) 's poem <而我> from <夏天的翅膀>. Both protraited an image of "throwing stones" with a few stokes and that I tried to 'put the two together". Obviously, it was an unsuccessful attempt and I spoiled the two master pieces ... #So thankful that I found Mecano and this beautiful song. Don't know much about this Spainish pop band actually, just browsed on net and somewhere it is said that this band also composed songs on many controversial social issues, e.g. Dalai Lama, aids. But for creating such a meaningful, peotic piece, I'm convinced that it's a great band and really deserves much respect, no matter from heterosexuals, bisexuals or homosexuals. The song was composed in the eighties. But surely it is also a song of all time. Ah, it suddenly reminded me of the current debates on Domestic Violence Ordinance ... Finally, who stopped the doves flying? ................ 不要再向她們(或他們)扔石頭了。

2010年12月19日 星期日


comic on sing tao daily every other thrusday

we argue, we fight, truth be told
do i love you? or is it my fault ?

2010年12月17日 星期五

2010年12月14日 星期二

機會都沒有了 ...


圖: 因為有試稿的機會而試畫的,最終沒有交。

2010年12月10日 星期五

A statue

in the boarding area,
delhi indira gandhi international airport

2010年12月5日 星期日

2010年12月1日 星期三

Punjabi song - Batiyan bhujai rakhdi

Keeping the lights off, Leting the candle burn through the night, Where are you my love, I am waiting for you through the night, Why dont you tell me whats in your heart...

2010年11月27日 星期六

A brief history of Love

Come on baby don't you want to feel love?
Have I left you too long waiting for the feeling to come?

As you leave me
Its up to you to lend me your heart, but you wont let go
And as you leave me
You're in my heart I feel true love and it wont let go
Its up to you to mend my heart, please dont let go

2010年11月24日 星期三

2010年11月21日 星期日

る旅人の日記 The Diary Of Tortov Rodd

 i believe its probably the most beautiful, romantic animation ever on travelling ...

2003年日本 16分4秒
音楽:近藤研二  音響効果:日高貴代美(オンパ)

2004年日本 5分48秒
音楽:近藤研二  音響効果:日高貴代美(オンパ)

2010年11月20日 星期六

2010年11月18日 星期四

Prostitutes of God

印度,崛起的大國,也是一個充滿着矛盾的國家。在科技和經濟起飛的背後,很多傳統依然而且彷彿如石頭般堅定不移地存在着。神妓是一種特別的傳統習俗。'Devadasi'本指獻身於(dedicated to)Yellamma女神的女人/女孩。她們為女神跳舞、敬拜,有很高的社會地位。但隨着這種模式的沒落,以及和廟宇的關連漸漸脫離,devadasi變成了'sex workers'的代名詞。成為devadasi的,也是社會上最低賤的種姓的女孩。

source: Prostitutes of God: Full Length - The Vice Guide to Travel | VBS.TV

2010年11月12日 星期五

2010年11月9日 星期二

Remenber me ... after I died ...

i am dead ...
to memorize me
they are going to
to the total no. of death
in population statistics.

rest in peace.

I have never been to Manama ...

But now it has a great meaning to me
because you are there,
somewhere I've never heard before ... 

2010年11月7日 星期日

Perfume Genius - Mr Peterson

Mr Petersen
I know you weren’t ready to go
I hope there's room for you up above
Or down below.

2010年11月3日 星期三

Forrest Baby

don't wake her up, she's gonna bite you!

bird's nest hair gal ...

BTW, mama, happy birthday!!!!

2010年11月1日 星期一

I was born

i was born with innocence ...
but not anymore when i grow up?

2010年10月31日 星期日

Can I get a clue??

say what you want to say
you play the game your way
you are confusing me, always.

you said you just can't love a person
(due to your past painful experience)
i think you are ruined

i know i know
for true love
you shouldn't expect to gain anything back

2010年10月28日 星期四

Love me, please!

whether it is more selfish
to force someone to accept your love
to keep someone you don't love.

2010年10月26日 星期二

2010年10月25日 星期一

2010年10月24日 星期日

What's so wrong with that?

she loves her, he loves him, i love you.
what's so wrong with that????

2010年10月22日 星期五

Oh! Me in a Magazine!

「Fanzine,發出你的自主聲音」@ 明報周刊 (MPW, 16Oct)

October 2 at 5:00pm - October 31 at 10:00pm
(同德大押旁) 電話:2893 4808


參展青年有: 三水 + Helen / 阿珍 / 4res / Chan Kuen / Gladyshadi Poon / Icarus / Kesee / Maschera / MM / Nekomata / REGINA / Ruby Wu / Sammy / Tony Ed Lo / Zoe

開放 : Tue – Thur ( 1:00-8:00pm ) / Fri- Sun ( 3:00-10:00pm) / Mon off
力撐藝術工作者:Beatrix Pang (攝影) + Kayla Lee (版畫)

查詢 :
Sandy Chan 山地
( tel : 22687714 / 73025633 / sandychan@ymcahk.org.hk )
Jasmine Fung
( tel : 22687712 / jasminefung@ymcahk.org.hk )

Only a few days left ... just come!!!!

2010年10月21日 星期四

2010年10月20日 星期三

outside a courier shop

Mama, mama, I miss you a lot ...
When will we be together again?

from my zine "One two things on my perfect travel companion".

2010年10月19日 星期二

輕閉雙眼 在心中描繪你的樣子

When i was alone at the delhi airport,
i felt like i was an abandoned child,

i repeated the song again, again and again ...
and when i closed my eyes, i thought of you ...

ah ... we don't even have time to say goodbye.

2010年10月18日 星期一

I'm interested!

Why am I keep asking questions?
Because, I'm so interested in YOU!

2010年10月17日 星期日

Somewhere I Have Never Travelled ...

Music from the Taiwan movie "Somewhere I Have Never Travelled" (2009)
A poem "Somewhere I Have Never Travelled" by E. E. Cummings

I started my new blog here.